PT. Bakrie Pipe Industries Holds a Flag Ceremony and Halal Bil Halal for All Employees

May 04, 2023
BEKASI - On Wednesday, 03 May 2023, Management PT. Bakrie Pipe Industries (BPI) held a flag ceremony as well as holding a Halal bi Halal event with all staff and employees. The flag ceremony this time was led by the ceremony inspector, namely Mr. Iskandar Ihsan Daulay as Chief of Commercial PT. Bakrie Pipe Industries. In the ceremony message delivered by Mr. Iskandar, it was related to gratitude to Allah SWT because thanks to His grace and the hard work of all BPI employees they were able to face all challenges since the COVID-19 pandemic until now.

He also did not forget to convey the commitment and sense of belonging to the company, as well as the discipline that can make BPI a company that is able to compete among existing industrial companies. He further said that the leadership at BPI is very grateful to the staff who have been able to survive the stages since the emergence of Covid-19 in March 2020 until now. However, according to the analysis of economic experts, future business challenges will become increasingly difficult. However, we must be optimistic that 2023 and beyond can be achieved with higher targets and make them happen. (RDW)
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